Exhibition at the Center for Book Arts


I was at the Center for Book Arts the other day to trim some papers and they have some interesting exhibition going on right now, I had to snap a few photos… The above and below pictures are embroidered notebooks. Everything was made by hand, even the pattern on the cover is all hand embroidered! It was so awesome to look at every details…



And there was Japanese inspired wood prints and installation that caught my eye.






Happy Friday, everyone! xo Hijiri

Found Type: Brooklyn Flea

Last Saturday, we went to Brooklyn Flea and found lots of fun stuff and of course, the types/letters :)

Embroidery letters on an image in a vintage frame — thought it was interesting.

Fun little letters corner.

Bunch of vintage pipe and cigarette tabacco tin cans “Velvet”

Wished my initial contained letter N…

Also wished we had more space…

Blue Bottle Coffee

Another great win for the Giants last night, I’m sure the whole city is going crazy! I so wish I were there to witness everything and feel the energy… but before I do anything, I would stop by the Blue Bottle Coffee first. That’s exactly what we did when we landed in San Francisco this July — straight to the Blue Bottle!

The Hayes Valley kiosk to be exact:

I always love their logo and the store signs, too.

Lots of different kinds of beans… I like their packaging, too. Each name is hand stamped and the logo might be hand stamped as well.

There is a Blue Bottle Café in Ferry Building now (well, I don’t know when they came here, but not when I lived there) so of course, we stopped by there as well…

and look what I found! An embroidery café sign :) I thought it was so cute I had to take photos!

“Blue Bottle Customers Only, Please!” sign on the café table, also embroidered. So sweet, right? I love it :)

And I still love my cup of Blue Bottle every morning here in NY. Life is good. Happy Friday!

The Renegade Craft Fair 2010

I went to the Renegade Craft fair in the late afternoon on Sunday… and it started pouring as soon as I got there. Not just rain, but strong wind and stormy craziness — I guess there was a tornado warning! So I have missed lots of shops who decided to close earlier… :( but in 30 minutes, it was hot and sunny again, though, I was a bit bummed. Bizarre weather!

Well, I still saw lots of great handmade products, I was inspired by some of the booth/display designs, and enjoyed shopping. Took some photos to share — enjoy!

Great posters and kitchen towels by Claudia Pearson:

Awesome Brooklyn poster and t-shirts: (I just can’t locate who this is by — does anyone know?)

Miniature Rhino booth — I’ve been a fan of their work, their booth was so awesome!

Cute leather alphabet rings by Lucky Me Beads:

Loved their display ideas.

Speaking of display ideas, Queens Metal used vintage wooden boxes and oil can tops, I thought it was so cool.

Another cool display idea by the Hand of Fatima Design — using old books as earring stands:

oh hi!

These jewelries by Cursive Design are so great, caught my eye for sure.

and I loved these handmade illustrated prints by Virginia Kraljevic!

Great chalk board and hand written price board:

and last but not least, loved the usage of woods throughout their work and displays via Timber!

I didn’t take photos of ALL the things I saw, but there were many many more… Cheers to all the artists!! I’m glad I made it even in the crazy weather and be able to support handmade!!