Creators For Japan Next Weekend

If you are in San Francisco Bay Area, please save the date for Creators For Japan fund-raising event next weekend, Saturday April 30th & Sunday May 1st at New People. There would be lots of handmade arts and crafts as well as baked goods and 100% of proceeds will be donated to Artists Help Japan Fund with Mercy Corps.

Heartfish Press is proud to be one of the participants along with chibi., Suga Jewelry, TOTA Press, urban fauna studio… and many more! For a whole list of participants information, please visit their facebook page — amazing! I so wish I could be there… please stop by for me and tell me all about it, will you?!

and wishing you a happy Friday & a weekend! xo Hijiri

Bake & Craft Sale for Japan Relief

Tomorrow and next Saturday, there is going to be a bake and craft sale in uptown NYC. Aki from oktak is organizing the event, she’ll have some of her wonderful handmade goods there, Heartfish Press will also be donating some letterpress cards, plus lots of yummy handmade baked goods (I can’t wait to get some) will be there! Please stop by if you live near there or if you are taking a walk to Central Park!

It’s been a week since the huge earthquake in Japan, my heart has been nowhere but in Japan… but I am staying strong for my country, doing whatever I can to help. If you follow my tweets, I’ve been passing around some valuable information on how you can help etc. since SO MANY people and companies are trying their best to donate their art work and raise funds for Japan, I’ve been so very touched to say the very least. Thank you all so much!!

Heartfish Press is still donating half of all sales throughout the weekend, please stop by!

Reminder: Holiday Market Tomorrow Dec. 12th

I’ll be showing my letterpress goodies and also, having a sample sale tomorrow at Southpaw in Park Slope Brooklyn. I hope to see you there!

To make your trip even more worth, the Brooklyn Flea (it’s huge, 3 floors packed with vintage stuff and handmade goods!) is walking distance from this place so before or after the Kings County General Store Holiday Market, you can stop by there, too :)

The Renegade Craft Fair 2010

I went to the Renegade Craft fair in the late afternoon on Sunday… and it started pouring as soon as I got there. Not just rain, but strong wind and stormy craziness — I guess there was a tornado warning! So I have missed lots of shops who decided to close earlier… :( but in 30 minutes, it was hot and sunny again, though, I was a bit bummed. Bizarre weather!

Well, I still saw lots of great handmade products, I was inspired by some of the booth/display designs, and enjoyed shopping. Took some photos to share — enjoy!

Great posters and kitchen towels by Claudia Pearson:

Awesome Brooklyn poster and t-shirts: (I just can’t locate who this is by — does anyone know?)

Miniature Rhino booth — I’ve been a fan of their work, their booth was so awesome!

Cute leather alphabet rings by Lucky Me Beads:

Loved their display ideas.

Speaking of display ideas, Queens Metal used vintage wooden boxes and oil can tops, I thought it was so cool.

Another cool display idea by the Hand of Fatima Design — using old books as earring stands:

oh hi!

These jewelries by Cursive Design are so great, caught my eye for sure.

and I loved these handmade illustrated prints by Virginia Kraljevic!

Great chalk board and hand written price board:

and last but not least, loved the usage of woods throughout their work and displays via Timber!

I didn’t take photos of ALL the things I saw, but there were many many more… Cheers to all the artists!! I’m glad I made it even in the crazy weather and be able to support handmade!!