Letterpress of Pray

Bluemoon Letterpress in Japan is organizing an earthquake fundraiser letterpress exhibition called “Letterpress of Pray” at BOOKS KUBRICK gallery in Fukuoka this summer and Heartfish Press is more than proud and honored to be a part!

They are still looking for more letterpress work for the gallery, if you are interested, please visit their page and participate. Japan still needs our support!

Your letterpress work will be displayed and viewed by many Japanese people. It’s ok that if you made it before. It’s better that the letterpress has message for Japan. If you could also include few extra, people can purchase them and 100% of the proceeds from this exhibition will go directly to earthquake child support group in Iwate prefecture (Concerning the establishment of a fund for the financial aid of the earthquake and tsunami orphans.).

Beautiful book jacket cover by Bluemoon Letterpress:

I never actually seen Japanese metal types in action — interesting!

and if you are in Japan, please look forward to the exhibition this summer.

Heart Brooch

heart brooch

I’m off to a slow start today… a morning appointment in the city turned into all day thing, just getting back to start my week… (hope you had a nice weekend!)

and as I see even more Japan relief things that people are doing/organizing all over the Internet (so touching!!), I just couldn’t resist posting this Heart Brooch by Hine — soo cute!! I’m going to have to get one for myself :) 50% of all proceeds from her shop will be donated to Japan earthquake fund.

heart brooch

I still have some pictures to share from her show… will come soon! xo Hijiri

Bake & Craft Sale for Japan Relief

Tomorrow and next Saturday, there is going to be a bake and craft sale in uptown NYC. Aki from oktak is organizing the event, she’ll have some of her wonderful handmade goods there, Heartfish Press will also be donating some letterpress cards, plus lots of yummy handmade baked goods (I can’t wait to get some) will be there! Please stop by if you live near there or if you are taking a walk to Central Park!

It’s been a week since the huge earthquake in Japan, my heart has been nowhere but in Japan… but I am staying strong for my country, doing whatever I can to help. If you follow my tweets, I’ve been passing around some valuable information on how you can help etc. since SO MANY people and companies are trying their best to donate their art work and raise funds for Japan, I’ve been so very touched to say the very least. Thank you all so much!!

Heartfish Press is still donating half of all sales throughout the weekend, please stop by!

Heartfish Hearts Hearts <3

folk heart

Letterpress Folk Heart print by Dutch Door Press — been eying on it forever and today, March 17th, 100% of proceeds go to American Red Cross for Earthquake and Tsunami Relief effort in Japan! They have so many lovely prints and cards, if you need some letterpress fix, please go over there now!

Another lovely heart I found — Cherry Blossom Heart print by This Paper Ship. Do you see Japan shape in the heart? 90% of the proceeds go to the American Red Cross’s aid effort in Japan.

Hoping all of our hearts go out to Japan…