Featured: Etsy Success e-book


We are so excited to be included in this eBook: Etsy Success: Seller Tips from 30 Top Ranking Etsy Artists! It’s FREE to download until tomorrow so please download it and read through. So many talented and inspiring artists are included, so honored that we are one of them!

LWYL in the Kettle Pot Tracks Studio


Nicole and Mike from the Kettle Pot Tracks sent me this photo above before — they are a small recording studio in their home (just outside of Philadelphia) where they try to capture simple, authentic performances of singer/songwriters — One of our Live What You Love posters has been in their studio and it has become part of many of the photos from their sessions. For example, this is singer songwriter Robert Sarazin Blake from Bellingham, Washington:the local newspaper in Robert’s hometown is using the image in a story about him.


And recently, their lovely home has been featured on Philly.com and they’ve included the poster as well!


We are so very honored to be included in their lovely and creative home!! Thank you, Nicole and Mike for letting us know, please keep up your awesome work!!

Liana’s LWYL

lwyl_lianaIt’s always wonderful to see our piece in people’s wall. This one is from Liana, she told me:

I recently moved into a new place and started putting all my artwork up on the wall. I love your print so much-it’s one of my favorites that I’ve ever owned.

Thank you so much for sharing, Liana! We are so happy that it’s been framed beautifully and loved by such a nice person like yourself!

LWYL in Art Studio

LWYL in Art Studio

Lovely Kathleen Maunder from trowel and paintbrush posted this on her Instagram:

My painting table today with a lovely bouquet of tulips. My ‘Live What You Love’ letterpress print from @heartfishpress provides daily inspiration.

Made me so happy that it’s been loved by such a talented artist! Thank you, Kathleen!