Spider-Man in DUMBO


A couple of weeks ago, I was walking around my neighborhood and saw these posters above and thought it was so cool for a NYC Ballet. Snapped a picture without realizing that this was a prop for the new Spider-Man movie until few days after… The whole neighborhood was covered with the Spider-Man world!




There were more, but aren’t these great?! I can’t wait to watch the movie and spot these on the background…


It’s a bit hard to see, but there was a crowd right under the Manhattan Bridge one day and I heard a lot of fireworks sound… oh and I did see a Spider-Man :)

Everything is gonna be alright

I came across these wonderful typographic posters over the weekend (did you see the Oscars? I was so happy to see Natalie Portman won the Best Actress!) and just wanted to share. Monday can be hectic, but hey, “Stay cool, be confident and everything is gonna be alright“!

There are 2 others just as great!

So with these in mind, let’s have a great week, shall we? :)

((images via eva juliet))

MoMA Visit 2.21.11

Hi there! Hope you had a nice President’s day weekend… (if you are in US) We celebrated our anniversary by staying at a nice hotel in mid-town followed by a nice steak house dinner and walking around the beautiful city. It was perfect :) We also stopped by MoMA yesterday after checking out of the hotel — there are lots of interesting exhibitions going on right now, just wanted to share some of the exhibitions we saw…

Picture above is the exhibition entrance wall “Picasso: Guitars 1912-1914” — I enjoyed this a lot. His awesome usage of different materials in each and every piece amazed me. (No photographs are allowed inside of the exhibition.)

Moving onto next exhibition “Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen” — such a fun exhibition! Love the entrance wall, too…

These might gross you out, but I couldn’t help taking pictures of these poster designs. For design inspirations…

and we saw a giant Chemex! For industry use and it can make up to 50 cups of coffee.

These exhibitions are going on for a while, if you ever have a chance, please stop by and see!

Poster at the Letterpress Things

I was so happy to get to go to Letterpress Things after thanksgiving while we were in MA, that place is amazing! More photos soon, but I wanted to share this awesome poster — “When I get a little money, I buy type and presses and if any is left, I buy food & clothes” Love all the types, especially, the “TYPE” and “PRESSES” — beautiful!!

oh and the top poster that reads “This place is filled with Printing Junque” is so perfect for the shop I have nothing else to say.

With that in mind, I am off to my letterpress studio! Have a great day, everyone! xo Hijiri