Björk Exhibition 



There’s Björk exhibition going on at MoMA right now and I finally made myself go and enjoy. There are few parts to this exhibition, I saw (experienced, rather) this film “Black Lake,” a song from Björk’s new album Vulnicura (2015); and this cinema room that screens a retrospective in music videos, from Debut (1993) to Biophilia. What a trip! I was immediately falling and sinking in Björk’s world… she is truly an amazing artist. Blew my mind.

Looking forward to the other part of the exhibition… gotta get back there soon.

MoMA visit


I’ve renewed my MoMA membership the other day so there’s gonna be more MoMA visits this year… :) These photos are from this week, Mili and I saw Isa Genzken exhibition for the second time. It is pretty outrageous! Awesome works.


There is a colorful typographic wall, it always catches my eye. Just the word “happy” makes you happy, doesn’t it? :)


Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves — we enjoyed this film installation for the second time. There are nine-channel video installation (color, sound) and it is so fun to watch, even for 2-year-old. People are laying down on the floor to watch, we did the same :)





American Modern


I got to go to MoMA all by myself the other day (what a treat!) and the first exhibition I saw was this “American Modern Hopper to O’Keeffe.” The typography on the entry wall caught my eye immediately — it’s half 3D!



The exhibition was great, I saw few more but didn’t take any photos as I’m not supposed to take some of the works. I renewed my membership, looking forward to more visits this year…

MoMA visit


Happy New Year 2013! It’s already going so fast, but let’s just do this! :)

We went to MoMA on the 2nd of January — the first museum visit in 2013. I renewed my membership, too, so you’ll see more posts from MoMA this year again.


My husband, Randy wanted to see this exhibition for a while: Quay Brothers: On Deciphering the Pharmacist’s Prescription for Lip-Reading Puppets. And wow, it was a total trip to their world…

There is no photography allowed, but I had to take this wall photo. It was so great not to. Just loved the calligraphy on the wall plus the display and caught my eye so much.


I loved the graphic design, drawings, and calligraphy part of the exhibition besides their films…

There are more in the theater area and that was awesome…


We also saw the exhibition entitled Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde:


Again, there is no photography allowed, but I loved this room with graphic design posters so I did a couple quick sneaky shots…

On the TV monitor, there was an animation by Tadanori Yokoo playing — I’ve never seen that before and I didn’t know he made such things back in 1970s and it was really great to watch.


And Tokyo Olympic posters in 1964. So simple and great!!


May your / our 2013 be filled with love and creativity!!

Now that our design blog has been fixed (and has a little bit of a facelift), I’d love to post more stuff regularly.