Etsy Craft Fair


Wow. I just found this post as a draft from June 2015!! I guess I never published this… Mili is so small and her hair is so short…

We went to Etsy‘s craft fair at the Archway in DUMBO then. She made a necklace :)

Spider-Man in DUMBO


A couple of weeks ago, I was walking around my neighborhood and saw these posters above and thought it was so cool for a NYC Ballet. Snapped a picture without realizing that this was a prop for the new Spider-Man movie until few days after… The whole neighborhood was covered with the Spider-Man world!




There were more, but aren’t these great?! I can’t wait to watch the movie and spot these on the background…


It’s a bit hard to see, but there was a crowd right under the Manhattan Bridge one day and I heard a lot of fireworks sound… oh and I did see a Spider-Man :)

Found Art: Water Street


Found this on Water Street next to the Tobacco warehouse. There are so many graffiti art on that wall, I love walking by there. This one was added recently, caught my eye.