Happy New Year 2014!


Happy New Year 2014! May the new year be bright and creative!

I can’t believe I let the blog go for such a long time… I want to get back to more blogging and Heartfish Press work this year…

My new year resolution is: DON’T BE LAZY. (=be more productive)

What’s yours? :)

Live What You Love Yellow Prints


Just wanted to let you know that Live What You Love letterpress prints in yellow are back in stock! It’s been sold out for a while… so I’m happy that it’s back.


I used different wood type blocks as usual and the letter O of YOU has a really unique texture, I adore it so much.

Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow

Please stop by the shop and grab one if you’ve been waiting for it.


New! Brooklyn Print

Brooklyn Letterpress Print

I am so happy to announce that this new wood type letterpress print “BROOKLYN” is now available from our online shop! I haven’t been able to put up any new stuff lately so this is very exciting for me. I am working on more stuff slowly and it’ll all be up as they are ready so please stay tuned.


Setting the wood type on my Pearl…


I like it in the black ornate frame like this :)

Brooklyn Letterpress Print

Brooklyn Letterpress Print Brooklyn Letterpress Print Brooklyn Letterpress Print

I hope you like it as much as I do! If you do/did live/work in Brooklyn, it’s calling your name :) xo Hijiri

You’re the…

You’re the Cream in my Coffee by YeeHaw Industries. I want to give this to my hubby and hang it by our coffee area in the kitchen! So sweet :)