Found Type: Modern Boy Office


I was pretty excited to find this sign — this whole building in front of our building used to have many more signs like this, but when they are converting it into a luxury condo apartment, they erased most of them! For some reason, they left this one… I hope they would never erase such special things.



Found Type: Mermaid Oyster Bar

Great hand-lettering of the Mermaid Inn (Oyster Bar) chalkboard in West Village. Caught my eye. Sounds good, too, right? :)

((It was a night time, sorry for the dark and blurry photos…))

I LOVE their logo from the second I saw it, designed by the amazing Louise Fili. This is the store sign of the Oyster Bar.

and I love their matches, too. I usually take home few to light candles at home :)

((image via Louise Fili website))

and their food? SO GOOD!! There, it completes everything.

Off to printing! See you tomorrow. xo Hijiri

Last Exit

Caught my eye when I was walking on Atlantic Avenue. “LAST EXIT” — love the naming, too :) Oh, it’s a bar.

p.s after passing by here, we watched Toy Story 3 — loved it!

111 Front Street Galleries Sign

I mentioned about 1st Thursdays DUMBO Gallery walk before, the June one is tomorrow — I think I will stop by again :)

111 Front Street Galleries have so many galleries in the building — you couldn’t help but notice the building itself — bright neon pink entrance with big “GALLERIES” sign on the wall through the glass door. (the picture doesn’t show the pink, it was at night and the lighting made it look like red… but it is really a neon pink!) So awesome.

and on the way back, the big “EXIT” sign tells you where to go :)

Love the boldness!

Off to a letterpress studio… have a great day :)