Elephant Hamper

You might have already seen this picture through my twitter updates and instagram photo, but I got this Elephant Hamper for our baby yesterday and I love it!! :)

Speaking of our baby… she’s been giving me a lower back pain lately and so I’m off to my first prenatal massage today!

Have a great day, everyone :) xo Hijiri

Royal Plantation Elephant Basket

This elephant basket from kate spade is ahhh-dorable! Wish listed…

(I couldn’t post anything all day today… I had this skin irritation/rash and had to go see doctor and that took all day long. I hope it goes away soon…)

p.s Summer is here.

Tin Foil Sculptures

Spotted in the Power House Arena boiler room window. The artist, Dean Millien has been making miniature sculptures and animal creations called “tin things/foil sculptures” — my favorite is definitely this looong dachshund!

More information about the exhibition here: LAND at the Powerhouse Boiler Room Windows