From Pastourelle

I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s day yesterday… Mili did a dress up and had a little photo shoot… and one of the photos was featured on Pastourelle’s blog “from pastourelle” yesterday! I had to share this on baby/kids Wednesday :) They made it so cute with types, I was so happy to see her on their website, thank you so much! Their blog is filled with inspirations for fashion design and beyond, you should check it out when you have a chance…

And thank you, Masako and Hilda for all the dresses! More to come ;) xo

Oh, and here is another cute one I took… xxx

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty

On Tuesday, I stopped by the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition “Savage Beauty” — it’s ending this Sunday, August 7th (good luck to you if you are still planning to go) and it was WAY busier than I thought it would be, probably the busiest exhibition I’ve ever been and ohhh my god, it was THE exhibition of the year!!!

What a beautiful building…

When I went inside, the wait time was… 2.5 hours! (At this point, it was already 3pm, museum closes at 5:30pm)

but thanks to their membership program, I became a proud member of the MET museum and so I didn’t have to wait! (but now it says “Due to extremely high attendance, we regret that we are no longer able to offer Members priority access to Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty.” — aww I really went there just in time! Because next day on Wednesday, the line was out on the street and the line closed by noon, who knows what happened yesterday and today, scary to think about this weekend!!)

You are not allowed to take any photos inside of the exhibition and so I respected the policy (some people were taking lots of pictures because it was packed so it wasn’t easily get caught — I hated it) so these photos are from their website, though, photos don’t do any justice… it was more than an art, the whole exhibition was his whole life, love, passion — Alexander McQueen.

Dress, VOSS, spring/summer 2001
Red and black ostrich feathers and glass medical slides painted red

(this room was, oh, so awesome… I felt like I was totally in a different world…)

Dress, No. 13, spring/summer 1999 (check out the video)
White cotton muslin spray-painted black and yellow with underskirt of white synthetic tulle

I could post all the images because each one was just so special, but if you are interested in seeing more, the website has a lot of images and information, please check it out.

(Shoes were all sooo amazing, too)

Inside of the exhibition was even more packed than the line outside… I felt like I was at some kind of jam packed concert… but because of that, I could spend well 10-20 minutes each piece (I’m not kidding, it wasn’t moving at all!) so I could admire all the details and his quotes, thoughts, materials… He really was a genius. I can’t even imagine what his real shows were like… I bet the words can’t describe…

I feel very lucky to get to go see it!

Paper Dress

paper dress

Found this pretty and fun paper dress at the Papyrus show window in upper east side. Caught my eye. It looks like it was made out of scrap papers or misprint papers all cut out to circles. Being a recycle supporter, I think it’s such a cool way to use waste papers :) It also made the dress in fun colors and gave the fish-scale-like texture which I like!

paper dress

and it has a slit on the side, too.

paper dressWonder if it’s wearable… :)

Gorgeous Paper Dress

Spotted this gorgeous dress in a lobby of 7 W building. And it is made out of paper leaves! Made me look even more.

Love the neckline, too…

Ever since October hit, it is officially fall here in NYC. This is perfect for the season, too.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway if you haven’t already!