Today’s Bridge 10.25.12


The trees in the Brooklyn Bridge park have been turning colors, it is so pretty. I had to take few photos this morning — they are all without any filters (it’s a bit cloudy today). I think I say this ever year, but being able to see the season change is really amazing. Hope you enjoy these pictures as I did this morning :)






Today’s Bridge 9.19.11

Unlike today’s rainy and gloomy weather in NYC, yesterday was a beautiful fall day. Yup, fall is finally here! (Pregnancy and summer didn’t go well together… I was always so hot and sweaty = gross!) The Manhattan Bridge looks like it’s on maintenance, but it looked great as usual :)

Fall Scene in Summer

While summer is screaming out of its name loud and clear everyday in NY, you can enjoy fall scene in Brooklyn Heights — at Cadman Plaza Park. I don’t know why, but these trees always change colors in the middle of summer and all the leaves start to fall… I remember last year was like this, too…

Maia and I took a long walk yesterday and went through the park — couldn’t help but photographing this fall scene. The grass is covered with fallen leaves!

Maia enjoyed it, too :)

(Do you have an iPhone and use Instagram? If so, let me know, I’d love to see your photos! I’m @heartfishpress if you’d like to follow my photos.)


Inspiration: Fall Colors

I realized that everywhere in the east coast was full of colors right now, (we don’t really have many trees in DUMBO, instead we have bridges…) it was so beautiful driving up to Boston and around Randy’s parents’ house, I couldn’t help but snap some photos of awesome colors of nature!

and Central Park in NY was also in lovely fall colors :) SO pretty…