bulle de savon


I brought back this cute boutique leaflet from Tokyo back in 2010. Mili just pulled this out of nowhere, and I like the illustration pattern so before I throw this away, just posting it here for an inspiration. The boutique was called bulle de savon and it was so cute, too :)

MoMA visit


Happy New Year 2013! It’s already going so fast, but let’s just do this! :)

We went to MoMA on the 2nd of January — the first museum visit in 2013. I renewed my membership, too, so you’ll see more posts from MoMA this year again.


My husband, Randy wanted to see this exhibition for a while: Quay Brothers: On Deciphering the Pharmacist’s Prescription for Lip-Reading Puppets. And wow, it was a total trip to their world…

There is no photography allowed, but I had to take this wall photo. It was so great not to. Just loved the calligraphy on the wall plus the display and caught my eye so much.


I loved the graphic design, drawings, and calligraphy part of the exhibition besides their films…

There are more in the theater area and that was awesome…


We also saw the exhibition entitled Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde:


Again, there is no photography allowed, but I loved this room with graphic design posters so I did a couple quick sneaky shots…

On the TV monitor, there was an animation by Tadanori Yokoo playing — I’ve never seen that before and I didn’t know he made such things back in 1970s and it was really great to watch.


And Tokyo Olympic posters in 1964. So simple and great!!


May your / our 2013 be filled with love and creativity!!

Now that our design blog has been fixed (and has a little bit of a facelift), I’d love to post more stuff regularly.


Yesterday all day, I was having problems with logging in here, but it’s finally fixed and I can blog again! yay :)

A week ago on January 11th, while Heartfish Press was launching, a new letterpress studio opened on the other side of the planet — in Tokyo, that is!

It’s called PLY. (pronounce just like “play”) and the studio is not only for the founders megropress and smb et smb, but also, it’s going to be a public shared studio where you can visit, print and create together.

The place looks great! They worked on everything from the floor to building the tables. Amazing!

If you are in Tokyo area or if you are visiting there soon, please contact them and see if you can stop by. This would be my must-go spot next time I go back to Japan! Congratulations on the launch, PLY.!

(images via PLY.)


LLOVE. The exhibition where you can stay for the night! It’s an exhibition in a hotel in Daikanyama, Tokyo and not only you can look around the exhibition, but also you can stay in it. How awesome! It’s going on until November 23rd, if you happen to visit Tokyo this month or if you live there, please go check it out for me. There are 14 different rooms all designed by different designers and here are some — they look all so amazing!

(found via veryverybeautiful)