Found Art: The Treemendous Project


I found this last year by the NYU, finally getting around to posting about it… The Treemendous Project: Mending the city one tree at a time. It was placed on the stump that the Hurricane Sandy took down. I guess there are more throughout the city and 15 artists are participating. Oh, how interesting and great! Their website has more information and a map of where you can find one.


Dear Hurricane Sandy,
We understand you were mad, so you flooded our city and knocked down a lot of homes, taking a few trees along with you.   Well, actually a lot of trees.
So, a bunch of us decided to fix that. We’ve installed artworks at those broken or barren sites in memory of the life that used to be.
As they say: “If a tree falls…”
We’re saying that we heard it, and we’re doing something about it.

I want to go find them all now.

DUMBO Arts Festival 2010

Found lots of arts as you can imagine throughout DUMBO Arts Festival last weekend, I loved every second of it everyday!

I think this might be my favorite work — chalk board + chalk line drawing of DUMBO (I think). The old brick building as a background is just perfect.

We happened to walk by when artists were working on this work…

and it was done by the weekend:

That’s a lot of work! Well done :)

Saw lots of artists working on a piece on the street…

and there was lots of live music everywhere, too… (these guys were awesome!)

Strong message with strong visuals…

The flag and the Brooklyn Bridge:

More will follow! :)

Art in San Francisco

It was short, but fun trip to San Francisco, the weather was beautiful, nothing has changed since we moved away, I knew exactly where I was, where to go, how to get places… it was weird that we don’t live there any more and made me realize how unique, special and beautiful the city is!

I will start my post with some of the art installations in San Francisco, I couldn’t go everywhere so this is just the ones I happened to pass by, but I hope you enjoy!

One of the “Hearts” in Union Square:

(They had a whole art installation project called “Hearts in San Francisco” back in 2004 — that was my favorite art installation projects! Kind of like Chicago’s “Cows on Parade” there were hundreds of “hearts” throughout the city then.)

Right by Civic Center:

There was this cool chalk / stencil art on the ground also by the Civic Center, they were amazing!

In Hayes Green:

This was new installation, I used to live right by this park, they always have different art installations.

Embarcadero Center — Villancourt Fountain:

(I always loved the fountain, so cool!)

Embarcadero Center:

Street Installations by Mark Jenkins

Mark Jenkins is a very unique artist known for street installations with his tape sculpture (see his Storker Project for example) but I like these series that he did – they are so cute!!

Signs of Spring
