Found Art: The Treemendous Project


I found this last year by the NYU, finally getting around to posting about it… The Treemendous Project: Mending the city one tree at a time. It was placed on the stump that the Hurricane Sandy took down. I guess there are more throughout the city and 15 artists are participating. Oh, how interesting and great! Their website has more information and a map of where you can find one.


Dear Hurricane Sandy,
We understand you were mad, so you flooded our city and knocked down a lot of homes, taking a few trees along with you.   Well, actually a lot of trees.
So, a bunch of us decided to fix that. We’ve installed artworks at those broken or barren sites in memory of the life that used to be.
As they say: “If a tree falls…”
We’re saying that we heard it, and we’re doing something about it.

I want to go find them all now.

Today’s Bridge 1.27.11

Just when everyone in NY thought all the snow was finally melting away… it snowed. a lot. again. Yesterday was actually really pretty with all the new snow, on the street, on the trees, everywhere :)

The Brooklyn Bridge & the snow (that’s a car in front of this picture):

The sledding hill was open again :) Lots of kids were sledding, it looked so fun! (The school was closed yesterday)

I LOVED all the white trees, it was really pretty walking around. (Not so pretty for the brown melted snow area on the grounds, though.)

Happy Friday! and stay dry & warm :)

4 Days Until Christmas

The Time Warner center at Columbus Circle has “Holiday Under the Stars” illumination show. These big stars change colors with music, it’s simply pretty and festive, I looked at it for a little while :)

All the trees outside has lots of lights, too… everywhere :)

4 days left, we leave to Boston tomorrow evening! Still so much to do… I am off to post office (again and again!) and my letterpress studio soon! Have a great day and GOOD LUCK!

Cozy Trees

There is a tree in my neighborhood that looks really cozy… because it is wearing a pretty red sweater :) It makes me smile every time I pass by. Sharing these photos so it makes you smile, too :)

It’s been another busy week… I hope you are hanging in there, too… :)

UPDATES: I found another one wearing a yellow sweater right next to this tree!

Do you see them together?