Thank you, thank you, thank you!

thank you

I just want to take a moment here and thank for each wonderful blog/magazine… You are all my inspiration, I couldn’t be happier and more honored to be featured!

UPPERCASE magazine issue 8 :: HELLO letterpress print was featured in the first spread!

UPPERCASE magazine spread(photo via UPPERCASE Flickr)

Poppytalk :: Introduction to Heartfish Press and LOVE giveaway mention.


sfgirlbybay :: A wonderful mention about Heartfish Press and this blog, I LOVE loooove the title she gave — a press with a heart — she is genius!


Thank you so much!!!

Holiday Gift Guides with Pinterest

You might have already heard/seen that sfgirlbybay and pinterest are teaming up to help you with your holiday gift ideas this year — and I started my own holiday guide, too! It’s not specifically targeted towards anyone, but I hope it helps… :) I’m still pinning away everyday so please check back often!

((Actually, I don’t mind receiving any of them so this is my gift guide / wish list :D ))

Also, check out Victoria’s lovely gift guide, Ben’s Gifts for girlfriends and Sam’s gifts for the designer dude for more ideas. If you created your own, please let me know in the comment section so I can check it out, too!

Happy Holiday Shopping!! xo Hijiri

What Home Means To Me (Pin it Forward)

As I mentioned before, lovely Victoria from sfgirlbybay and pinterest team are launching an another great event called “pin it forward” today and I couldn’t be more proud to be the one of the first 10 bloggers to start!

and the theme is “What home means to me” — and here is my pinboard

I realized since I moved to NYC and started my own freelance work, home became not only sleep, relax, cook and eat, but also work and create. Be inspired and imaginative. Be creative and innovative.

(Beci Orpin’s home via The Design Files)

(Craft nook via you are my fave)

Also, as I have lots of collection of things, which make me happy, think and remember, home means where I keep all my favorite things, display them in my own way and enjoy.

(Lisa Gongdon’s kitchen via design*sponge)

(Teapots and jugs via skinnylaminx)

(the gallery wall via sfgirlbybay)

and never ending quest to me… Always looking for the perfect something for the home… and I enjoy that process, and when you do find something that you love, how great the feeling is and you get to live with it!

(Go Quest via me)

and the list goes on and on… please see more at my pinboard! I think I will keep adding more since home means A LOT to me, I would never be done with my board… :)


Please also check out all the awesome starter bloggers inspiration for what their home means to them including Erin of design for mankind, Sara of lost bird found, Joy of oh joy!, Christine of LAMA, Nicole of making it lovely, Jodi of a fresh start, Lori of automatism, Melissa of melissa loves, and of course, Victoria of sfgirlbybay.

and please let me introduce, Tina of scatterbox. She will be posting “what home means to her” tomorrow! Can’t wait to see her board.

Thank you so much, Victoria and Pinterest team for your hard work creating, organizing and launching this event! and thank you guys so much for letting me share my pinboards :) I hope you enjoyed!

Pin it Forward

Lovely Victoria at sfgirlbybay is doing it again, this time, it is called “Pin it Forward“! If you participated/followed the 1st blogger mash up “blog it forward,” you would know how fun and inspiring that was (see my post here!), and this time it’s with pinterest — a visual bookmarking site, where you can save images you find while browsing the web and organize them into collections. I’m one of the lucky ones who get to try this from their early stages and I must admit that it is awesome!! See my pinboards here for example and I would suggest signing up to “pin it forward” right now!!! Spaces are very limited!!!

I hope that you do :)