Poppytalk Handmade


Just a quick announcement that Heartfish Press is participating Poppytalk Handmade Mother’s Day and Eco-themed market! Our products are printed on 100% cotton paper with soy-based ink so it is very eco-friendly as you might have already known. Please stop by our virtual booth here!


Poppytalk Paper Pops Lookbook

The paper pops lookbook is here! Looks great! We are still offering a discount… please visit our virtual booth to get the code :)

Paper Pops!

I am super excited to let you know that Heartfish Press is back to poppytalk handmade market this month — Paper Pops! It’s been a little while and I have missed being a part of it so much. I hope you like our virtual booth!

and psst. there is a discount code, too… :)

Happy Shopping! xo Hijiri

Thank You So Much, NSS!

Ladies of Letterpress Booth 2011Ladies of Letterpress Booth 2011The National Stationery show has ended yesterday — what an experience! I am still taking it all in, my body feels like it needs a little more rest, but most of all, I am very inspired and feeling great!! I met so many talented lovely people at the show, that itself was well worth the sleepless weeks.

I will be back with more pictures and thoughts on Monday.

In the meantime, there are great coverages of the show online already, please check these out to see how great everything was!

Oh So Beautiful Paper (see our booth feature here! — Thank you so much!!)

Poppytalk (see our booth feature here! — Thank you so much, 1canoe2! Lovely to meet you.)

Thank you so much, NSS! And especially, all of our Ladies of Letterpress exhibitors and their friends and families — THANK YOU SO MUCH for the wonderful show!! Couldn’t have done it without you <3