Letterpress Class 10

It was my last letterpress class and even though I felt a little sad that it was over, I am so happy that I feel comfortable using Vandercook Press and printing letterpress prints and cards now and I will keep printing for sure! Thank you so much for reading my class journey, I will keep posting about letterpress every time I have something to share so please look forward to what I will be doing next!

I had another card idea and when I made my plate, I included this idea, too, so I was able to finally print the card…

Mixing light gray by using the Pantone chip chart.

hmm, maybe more white?

The first plate is set. The Vandercook Press needed to be adjusted a lot this time… there are a few places that you have to go into and adjust to set it for proper printing – I could do it all by myself! So proud. (smile)

and just print away…

Mixing second color – I love mixing colors! It’s fun!

and print second color away…

I will share about what I actually printed in the next post – yes, it’ll be available in my shop soon!

Letterpress Class 8

I’ve learned a lot in the last class, it was a good class! Nothing new demonstration, but just printing with polymer plates and creating projects, I learned a lot. There are 2 more classes left so everyone started to finish up their own projects and so the press was busy all night.

I mixed Pantone color for the first time. The Pantone book at the school had a little note under the each color on what colors to mix and how much to mix to create the color so I followed the direction.

Tried to make this pretty green.

Take each color based on how much it says to mix.

and mix it together….

It came out nicely!

I printed note cards for gifts, myself, and Randy and me – all A2 flat cards.

This is one of the note cards I printed with letter H:

Love the impression: when using cotton paper, it shows the impression really beautifully! I was staring at them for a while. Can’t wait to print more stuff!

Letterpress Class 7

I can’t believe I only have 3 more classes left… I can say that I am more comfortable using Vandercook Press now, from beginning to the end, I can do everything by myself! (well, I’m sure I have a lot to learn still, but I feel like I got the basic of it)

We can now do whatever we want to print, work on our own projects, so I continued printing my holiday card first and some new prints for my shop.

I took wood type blocks and printed “PEACE” on my holiday card — with everything going on in the world, I really wish peace on earth….

Printed on top of my snowflakes linoleum prints from last week:

Printed some more “Live What You Love” in red and blue � Thank you, everyone, the green one is sold out!

Available at my Etsy store.

I ordered 100% cotton paper (means tree-free! I’m so excited about that) and so from here on, I am going to try as eco-friendly as possible with my work and store. These new prints are of course printed on tree-free paper and the paper is made for letterpressing so the impression of the print is more awesome than ever!

Letterpress Class 6

Last week, we learned how to die cut with Vandercook Press! I had no idea it can do die cutting so it was surprising and pretty cool!

The school had a few shapes, we tried circle ones, there were rounded corner one, too, but this was the most intriguing one… a die cut for a package box!

You just set it up just like you set up a wood type or metal type on the Vandercook Press:

You don’t have to turn on the power switch to cut, you just run the paper and it die cuts!

Can you see the cut? It also had a scoring line, but due to the Press condition, we couldn’t go too far (it was cutting where it’s not supposed to) so I have to score before I build the box, but how cute would this be for a holiday candy box! I will work on it later and make sure to share it with you here.

I also worked on my second linoleum art: a snowflake!

It took a little bit (and I messed up a little bit, too – but that makes it special, right?) and this is from “the making of”:

Started with white ink – I love snowflakes, I think they are absolutely beautiful and no two snowflakes are the same shape, just like my prints. :)

I printed on color papers: came out nicely.

Added a splash of blue/green:

and printed on white paper, too.

From here, I am adding types and making holiday cards, but I will hold it until it is a holiday time to show you… Please look forward to it!