New 5×7 Letterpress Prints

I have few new 5×7 letterpress prints in my new shop! Let me introduce…

Lace Heart Letterpress Print in Blue (Love the color):

LOVE Letterpress Print 5×7 in Red (100 of them went to UPPERCASE issue 8 — letterpress issue!):

LOVE Letterpress Print 5×7 in Yellow:

and SMILE in Yellow is back!

Happy Friday, everyone! Love and Smile to you all :)

Live What You Love Special Edition 2011

There are few new prints in my new shop… I’ll be introducing them one by one this week :)

First up is Live What You Love special edition 2011.

Wood type setting on Vandercook Press without the letter O:

I decided to go with the really light pale pink this time, very sweet combination of colors, I think. The lino heart on the press:

Adjusting the placement — love this happy accident effect!

Placement set, printing away…

and here is the final product, available here.

I hope you like it! xo Hijiri

Business Certificate

Just came back from the County Clerk’s office… Heartfish Press is officially registered and I have the certified copy right here with me! aww I am super excited! Now, I have a month to prepare for the 1.11.11 launch… oh god. No holiday break for me for sure.

Wish me luck!! :)

Coming Soon: Heartfish Press

I have a very exciting news to share today… I am so proud to announce that my studio is taking letterpress love to the next level — I am launching Heartfish Press on January 11, 2011! That is in 2 months, I picked today to announce because it’s 11.11.10 and one more number 1, it’s the launch day :)

This has been in the works for seems like ever… but I am super excited to finally make this official. The new website will have an online shop, custom gallery with all the letterpress work I’ve done for the last 2 years (including some work that I haven’t shared with you here) and much more. And this blog, Heartfish will stay the same here, maybe a new fresh design, but I’ll see you everyday as usual! :)

I couldn’t thank everyone who’s been a big support enough!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! and please stay tuned for 1.11.11 :) xoxo Hijiri