Unlike last year, I got to enjoy a whole day and night of Halloween this year! As you’ve seen Maia’s witch costume, it was fun to walk around with her — she was the most popular dog on the street!
Went to 7th Avenue Halloween Parade in Park Slope for a start. It was the safest and the most wholesome Halloween parade I’ve ever been to :) Filled with lots of kids and parents, it was fun.

Maia watching people go by.

I met Hine who was in town from Canada! So nice to meet you!!

Family Halloween photo (I was a hippie… Randy was ??):

and then, I went to Manhattan with my friends — it was crazy just as I imagined.
In front of Webster Hall. No way we could have gotten in… It was raining so the picture came out moody and I like it.

How was your Halloween?!