Stationery Trends Magazine

The count down to the National Stationery Show started! I’m getting butterflies… as a first time exhibitor, I’m willing to make mistakes and learn from them. Set up starts this Thursday… I still have few things before the show, wish me luck!

Prior to the show, Heartfish Press received a great mention on Stationery Trends Magazine in the Spring 2011 issue — The NSS Issue! I’ll be sharing a big booth with 10 other Ladies of Letterpress gals so it’s with the LoL:

Page 107! Thank you so much!

Heartfish Press

UPPERCASE Magazine Issue8

Do you subscribe to UPPERCASE magazine? If you haven’t already, it’s not too late — Issue 8 is just out and it is the letterpress issue!

Each copy comes with an authentic vintage matchbox label AND a letterpress print/card sampler. I am so proud to say that Heartfish Press is one of the participants!

(video by UPPERCASE)

Check out the Alphabet Greeting Card in the video :)

Can’t wait to receive my copy… and I wonder who gets the Heartfish Press samplers… (I included some prints, too!) Will you let me know if you would be the one?

Elle Decor UK

Lovely Jen from Made by Girl told me about that my Live What You Love letterpress print has been in the Elle Decor UK magazine April issue a while ago and also, my friend Susan mentioned the same thing to me… but when I went to a bookstore to see it in my eye, the new issue was already out and so I thought I totally missed it…

and Jen just sent me the page — she found in her hard drive! Yes, it’s my print in this sleek kitchen! Yay!

(Click the image to see larger)

Thank you so much, Jen!! xo

p.s Does anyone out there have this April issue that you are done with and that I can have?? That would be awesome if you do! Let me know.