Affordable Art & Home Market

I’ve been meaning to let you know that Affordable Art and Home market has been started over at poppytalk handmade! Please come visit our virtual booth — can you tell that I’m so ready for Spring?

I am off to a letterpress studio now. Have a great day :)

Poppytalk Handmade Love Transforms

Hi there! Hope you all had a great weekend… :)

Today, Poppytalk Handmade new market launches — Love Transforms — and I am so proud to be included. Please visit our (virtual) booth here, I hope you like what you see…

This is the first time participating as Heartfish Press! I did some updates this weekend, if you have some time to spare, please go there and look around :) Also, if you see something weird, please report me, I would really appreciate it!! xo Hijiri

Poppytalk Handmade Pre-Holiday Market

I’m excited to share that I’m participating Poppytalk Handmade Pre-Holiday Market launching today! There are so many great products and (virtual) booths from all over the world, please go over there and check it out :) Never too early to start thinking about the holidays… right? :)

and please visit my booth here as well! I hope you like it…

and there is a little news under my profile, I’ll talk about that here very soon…

Hope you all had a great weekend! xo

Poppytalk Handmade Holiday Market

Poppytalk Handmade Holiday Market launched today and I am participating again this month! Come look at my virtual booth here!


Hope you like what I selected for the booth… :)