Platen Press Workshop 2

Continue from the Platen Press Workshop day 1 post… Here is my day 2!

We learned how to operate a floor-model, which I’d been so wanting to learn. It can be dangerous so I was a bit nervous, but you know, I got the hang of it real soon and I printed without losing any of my fingers :) It was so fun, too, I loved it!

For the second day project, I decided to hand typeset a gift tag by using ornaments — as soon as I saw these manicules (the fingers), I was inspired.

It took me for a while to do this! Such a tedious work. More respect for the real printers who always do this.

Adding spaces…

Lock it up on the chase…

and put the chase back into the press.

The Center has 2 floor model platen presses and I used this guy:

Adjusting, adjusting…

and print away!

I printed vertical ones and then, re-set the types and printed horizontal ones, too. These will be used for my clients and customers, I think! :)

It was a great workshop, thank you so much, Center for Book Arts!!

Hello, Busyness

Hello there, busyness. You come visit me often, but this weekend + this morning + this week, you are not kidding me around…

So please hang tight, Heartfish readers, I’ll have some fun report from my letterpress workshop I attended this weekend soon :) I hope you all had a nice fun Halloween weekend!! I had a “busyness” visit so I couldn’t do anything Halloween related this year… boo. Oh well… next year!

xo Hijiri

Custom Print: I Had A Dream

I printed another awesome custom prints for lovely Lindsay from Lindsay Wilson Photography the other day, I was about to share those pieces and realized that I hadn’t shared the previous custom print I made for her yet… so I wanted to share this first :)

She wanted a print with a part of this song by Priscilla AhnDREAM” — great song!

Type setting :: I didn’t have all the letters so I had to break up the lines and print couple lines first.

Use the same “I HAD A DREAM” setting,  move them, and print the first line:

and print the line in between separately…

and here is the final product! Came out so nice, I am very happy with the result and so is Lindsay :)

If you are interested in a custom print, please contact me!