Sing for Hope Pop-up Piano at the Archway

Remember this post? Well, the knitted grand piano is at the Manhattan Bridge Archway and already being enjoyed by many people! It’s for “Sing for Hope“; the piano will be available to be played by all who pass by. More on DUMBO NYC blog and their website.

Someone was playing the piano every 3 times I passed by yesterday! and they are all so good, it made me smile :)

What a great and happy installation!

and yes, the knitted grand piano was by the olek.

Knitted Bicycle in DUMBO

knitted bike in dumbo

Last summer, I found the knitted bicycle in Lower East side… and another one is in DUMBO right now! On York street near Front street. (These pictures were taken 1.5 weeks ago, it was still there this weekend)

knitted bike in dumboAfter the post last year, my friend Hine saw it and she found the artist: it is done by olek — if you look at the website, you see so many knitted stuff, it is so amazing to look at all her work! If you ever found a knitted bicycle or something else like this, then it is olek.