Happy Weekend!


Wishing you all a happy weekend! Pictures are from our trip to Portland, ME last weekend — It was lovely :) Hoping to share more about it soon… Our blog has been having all sorts of problems, I couldn’t update much this week… We are working on it and will be back with slightly new designs and regular posting soon! xo Hijiri

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! This week, we felt an earthquake (that was scary!) and now, hurricane Irene is coming this weekend… All of a sudden, NY is getting hit by a natural disaster… I hope it’ll be all okay…

I just wanted to end the week with some fun photos from my trip to the Cape Cod. Enjoy!

We saw the bunny almost everyday.

The Lobster Trap Co. — this restaurant / fish market is the best!

We got a couple lobsters for dinner…

Randy cooked his first lobsters — it was delicious!


Our little Pocasset Beach:

Fresh shrimp cocktails (from The Lobster Trap Co.)

Grilling clams and such…

We had many visitors throughout our stay including our family, too :)

Have a safe weekend, everyone! We are going to attend a wedding tonight at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and we have some baby classes to attend tomorrow… (due to the Hurricane Irene and subway is not working this weekend, we have rescheduled it) getting busy around here!

Found Art: Provincetown

We visited Provincetown while we were in Cape (fun place!) and found this art on a street trash can. Made me smile and yes, we had some yummy lobster rolls :)