Ultra Cider

Another drink that we brought home from Japan and recently enjoyed — Ultra Cider. Yes, it’s the Ultraman cider. We saw a few designs all based on Ultraman, this design is based on Ultra Seven. So fun!

Arima Cider Teppo Water Bottle

When we were in Japan this winter, one of my best friends took us to the Arima Onsen (Hot Springs) and we had the best time there! We brought home this Arima Cider Teppo Water — The origin of Japanese cider. (This is a re-release of the first soda in Japan.) We kept it for a while, but we finally drank it recently (it was good!) and just wanted to take pictures of the bottle so I can archive it here.

On the label it states that carbonated water gushing from the ground had been thought to be poisonous and been afraid of, but later served as the origin of Japanese cider. Interesting…

Megro Press

A while ago, I had a little visitor from Japan, Yoko from Megro Press. It was so very nice to meet her as she is starting a letterpress business in Japan and be able to talk to her about letterpress and what made us go into letterpress etc. at my letterpress studio I’m renting. And now she is back in Tokyo, she put together a report from the visit both in English and Japanese so please visit her blog here and read about my studio… :)

Her blog also covers cool designs and letterpress things in Japan, you should check it out :)

Thank you so much, Yoko-san, it was so lovely to meet you!