Found Art: Sir Shadow


Found these cool drawings on the wall in East Village. By Sir Shadow. I’ve seen his work at the Tompkins Square Park Jazz festival before, it always catches my eye. So simple yet so alive.


Found Type: St. Mark’s Bookshop

I was at the St. Mark’s Bookshop the other day and found few types/type treatments I wanted to share.

This poster on the wall caught my eye. The End of Print. Love the type treatment. Looks like wood types…

There are a lot of hand-printed books in the shop, it’s awesome to look around. This book cover is 3-color letterpress printed.

and this book cover was really well letterpressed. (sorry for my iPhone quality photos..) Makes me want to work on a book cover…!

Happy Friday! :)

Found Art

This found art is on the wall of a restaurant (I can’t remember the name…) on Bowery Street in NYC (east village area) — catches my eye every time. The frame is painted, too, and the big hands are holding the frame… so many dimensions in one piece! I like the air conditioner is even incorporated into the painting, too.


It is fun to walk around the city — you can find lots of things! :)