Cacao Prieto


Saw these chocolates from Cacao Prieto and I was smitten with their packages! I want to frame these, it’s so cute :) Cacao Prieto is from Red Hook, Brooklyn, love the local businesses, too.

There’s Always…


YES. Always. This is from The Chocolate Room — Love the line! Perfect little statement for the brand :) Their logo is fun, too (below).


Thank you, Jasmine, for bringing these, it was soo good! xo Hijiri

Sweet Packages


My husband was on his business trip to San Francisco last week and he brought me home some treats from Miette (my favorite!) — these packages are great I had to share! Love the hand-lettering chocolate package above and this Italian candy package below is just so sweet, isn’t it?


and of course, their Miette label candies :)


Happy Sweet Friday and weekend, everyone! xo Hijiri