Happy Spring Friday!


It’s been oh so gorgeous around here, the nature is responding really well you can see! I love seeing the Spring blooming, I know I say this every year, but I just cannot get enough. Here are some photos I took around the city. Wishing you all a happy Spring Friday and weekend!



This cherry blossom tree is in the middle of Soho on West Broadway street. It was stunning! Everyone was taking photos :)


Thinking of Boston…


It’s getting really pretty around here as the Spring is finally here… But at the same time this week was very ugly and scary with what happened and still happening in Boston… :( I have been thinking about our families and friends, plus all the people in Boston. I hope this is all over soon… I’ll be thinking about you, Boston, be strong!!

Printing Friday…



It was a printing Friday for me… actually went to the Arm to print! Hadn’t touched Vandercook for a while so it was a fun and exciting day (but I forgot how tiring it is to print with Vandy, my arm aches already… :)). More photos will come soon with some new stuff for the shop.

Wishing you a happy weekend!! xo Hijiri