Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving (if you are in US)!!! We are off to Boston now to spend time with our family :) I am so thankful for my family and friends and that you are here with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Image is from something that I was working on the other day… LOVE… I’m sending you my love here <3

I will be taking break from blogging this weekend, but maybe you should check back to see some holiday shopping deals… (hint, hint)

Have a happy weekend, everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving! I’m wishing world peace also…

Picture is from Olde Abington Country Store. It’s right by our parents’ house and the store is filled with vintage coolness!

gobble gobble.

A vintage peanut butter maker!


I am celebrating it in Boston with my family-in-law. I am very thankful for my family, my husband and being able to do what I love. And I am very thankful that you guys are all here!

Have a great thanksgiving, everyone!!