Golden Rule Letterpress Poster

Golden Rule Letterpress Poster by Studio On Fire caught my eye more than ever (first found via swissmiss). That’s exactly what my parents told us to do growing up! And it’s such a lovely collaboration of a father and son; All elements are hand drawn by Koen (age 6) with a Sharpie marker at the dining room table, then arranged digitally in our studio. The type is the “Golden Rule” as penned in the honest hand of a child. How awesome and sweet is that?! And it is beautifully letterpressed, that completes it!

It’s great for kids’ room, but I want one for myself, too!

Studio On Fire Video by Gestalten TV

Such an inspiring video of Studio On Fire by Gestalten TV. A must see!

Found via Beast Pieces (their great letterpress blog), video from Gestalten TV.