Found Type: Chambers


Found on Plymouth Street right by the Manhattan Bridge. These old brick signs are getting less and less around here, I hope they keep what’s left!!

Today’s Bridge 12.27.10

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas… We drove back on Christmas night, actually, due to the expected snow storm — thank goodness, we did, yesterday all day was a crazy snow storm! And look what it did to our streets…

This is on Plymouth Street, looking down the 2 bridges. Usually looks like this.

Poor car… (our rental car is behind this and pretty much the same condition. aww)

Wish us luck getting our rental car out to return it today…

Today’s Bridge 9.25.10

From last Saturday morning. On Plymouth Street. Love this view that you see 2 bridges in between the buildings.

DUMBO has lots of old rails and cobblestone streets, I love that as well! :)