Happy New Year 2011!

Happy New Year 2011!!! I hope it’s been a great start for you :) We had a wonderful NYE, New Year’s Day with our friends and LOTS of love and laughter, we couldn’t start our year in any better way.

Some photos to share…

The New Year’s Eve dinner — the last meal of the year. It was delicious.

Our New Year’s Family picture :)

New Year’s Day walk to the beach — Maia had fun, too :)

Beach in Cape Cod, MA.

So excited for the New Year, it’s going to be a wonderful year for me and you! xo Hijiri

Wishing You a Happy New Year…

This will be my last post of the year 2010… ((How fast did 2010 fly away? Was that a year ago already?!)) It’s been another great year here at Heartfish, thank you so much for visiting and sharing your thoughts, all your sweet words, cheers, smiles… everything! It really means a lot to me (happy tears) :)

It’ll be 3 years in January since I started this blog and I am launching a new letterpress company, Heartfish Press (have you signed up our mailing list yet?) then, too, so I think I’d like to stay focus on design inspirations even more next year… will have a fresh new look, new weekly posts etc. I can’t wait for you to see!

((Live What You Love 2011 Special Edition is on its way…))

We are driving up today to Cape Cod, Massachusetts to celebrate the new year’s day with our lovely friends :) Wishing you a very happy and exciting New Year… May 2011 be filled with joy, love and creativity!

I will see you all next Monday — that’ll be in 2011! Happy New Year :)