Montague Giveaway

One of my favorite photographers, Amy at Montague is having a giveaway! Just comment on her post and you are entered to win her beautiful calendar for year 2010!


Check out her gorgeous photos on montague, too… sigh… so pretty…

Wednesday morning inspiration… I’m inspired…

Nice to Meet You! #2

Continuing introducing great bloggers/artists I met over the weekend…

Maquette: I love Samantha’s work so much, her patterns and illustrations are so unique and very inspiring. I also love her hand-lettering!

How cute is this pillow?!


montague: I knew that Amy takes photos after seeing the nice Nikon camera and her photos are so so gorgeous!


The photographic exercise, one of her posts, I thought it was so cool and inspiring.


particular aesthetic: Laura had this beautiful laptop/clutch (HP laptop by Vivienne Tam) up on her blog and I want one! Her blog is simple, clean, and talks about neat things from fashion to interior.


for me, for you: Kate runs “for me, for you” and I couldn’t talk to her as much because of the seating situation, but I’m glad I got to meet her and find her blog. She is a featured buyer at Etsy – that’s awesome!