Today’s Bridge 1.11.14


It’s been a while since I posted my Today’s Bridge photos… (I was still taking photos of the Bridges, but never had a chance to post them.. what a shame!)

This is from Saturday, January 11th — it was such a foggy day, reminded me of San Francisco. No filters for this shot.

January 11th was Heartfish Press 3 year anniversary! Thank you so much for your support!! xo Hijiri

Today’s Bridge 10.30.12


We went for a walk yesterday around 2:30pm since the hurricane was gone and seemed okay to go outside and we saw some devastated area… The park was remain closed…


The Main Street still had some water…


We went back there again today, people were starting to clean everywhere. We saw someone drew the line with “Sandy” on the restaurant Buddy’s wall — that’s how much the water came during the hurricane.



Nearby shops like Powerhouse Arena and One Girl Cookies were cleaning the mess this morning… I hope everything gets back to normal soon… including everywhere in NYC.

Today’s Bridge 9.28.12


The DUMBO Art Festival has started today — it was pouring all day so I could only go out and see what’s going on later in the evening, but I already saw some cool stuff! Picture is on Main Street with lots of trailer art museums and the Manhattan Bridge. I will be going around and see more tomorrow! Have a great weekend, everyone! xo, Hijiri

Today’s Bridge 7.2.12

manhattan bridge

I had to go say bye-bye to the bridges for a little while today — we are leaving tomorrow to Cape Cod, MA for a month! (working vacation) This is the Manhattan bridge from Main street. I don’t think I’ve taken many pictures from this area…