My Interview at One Bunting Away

Heartfish Press

Giova from One Bunting Away visited my studio the other day and asked me a few questions for their Crafty People Series and my interview is up on their site today! Please click here to read and see everything.


It was really nice meeting Giova, I’ve known her through online for sometime now so it was awesome to have a face to face time. Thank you so much for featuring me and Heartfish Press on your lovely blog, Giova! xo Hijiri

Brooklyn Spotlight: The Printer

I am beyond excited to share this interview I did today. Please watch it when you have a few minuets to spare. It’s a part of a Brooklyn Series on Barclays Center Television website, I was so honored to be a part!! awwwww

Interview at Wayside Violet

I was recently asked to do an interview from lovely Jessica at Wayside Violet — and wow, she did such a nice write-up about my work and my studio, I am more than flattered, thank you so much!! Please read my little interview here!

Jessica also has a very cozy etsy shop, check out her stuff, too :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! xo Hijiri

My Little Interview

I was interviewed by Kristin from Discover Interior Design and it was up there yesterday — please click here to read my little interview!


I am back from Boston and a bit tired, have lots of work to do, but I will come back with some Boston inspirations.

Have a great day!!