The End of The Year 2014…

IMG_0602I can’t believe the year 2014 is ending…! I wasn’t blogging much at all this year because my iPhone WordPress app started showing my pictures wrong and I couldn’t stand it so I stopped blogging from my iPhone. Then, I just didn’t have time when I was on my desktop computer and it got put aside… :( I still have so many pictures that I wanted to share from this year, though, it’s sitting on my phone… Yes, I was still getting inspired by the city, my surroundings, my family… but just couldn’t/didn’t share. (Picture above is from yesterday: it was snowing a bit so I stopped and looked up in my neighborhood DUMBO.)

Maybe it’s time to redesign everything, though, that might help posting from my iPhone again?!

I also didn’t print as much this year… probably the least printing year ever. That’s so sad. I know I want to get back to it, I just have to. That’s the only thing that was missing this year.

Instead, I was spending all my time and energy with my Mili. (and a little projects here and there) which is not a bad thing. at all. Actually, it’s kinda really precious. She turned 3 in October and she will be going to Pre-K in fall 2015. so 9 more months, could I spend all my time and energy for this young girl who is growing up way too fast?! I think I could :) Printing, too, soon!

IMG_0414Wishing you the happiest new year 2015!!!!
xo Hijiri

Time has come!

The time I’ve been waiting for for a loong time — we are going to go welcome our first baby soon! I will try posting some pictures when we get back and settle in so please check back :)

p.s Please check out our welcome baby sale in the meantime!

I Want The World To Know…


Besides the National Stationery Show, I’ve been working on a miracle inside of me :) And we just found out what we are having yesterday!! We are so blessed and full of happiness :)

The due date is October 6th and I am 20 weeks pregnant right now. It’s been amazing to go through all the changes in me (first couple months were tough, though), we can’t wait to meet our new angel soon!

*I used my new letterpress wood type cards ;) I wanted to send this around the world!

Meet My New Nephew

I just want the world to know that my younger brother and his wife had a beautiful baby boy on November 10th, 2010. Can’t wait to meet him!!! Congratulations!!! (happy tears)