Featured: Etsy Success e-book


We are so excited to be included in this eBook: Etsy Success: Seller Tips from 30 Top Ranking Etsy Artists! It’s FREE to download until tomorrow so please download it and read through. So many talented and inspiring artists are included, so honored that we are one of them!

Alaina Kaczmarski’s Chicago Apartment Tour


TheEverygirl_AlainaKaczmarski_HomeTour_1 I am super excited to see our Live What You Love print being featured in Alaina Kaczmarski’s Chicago Apartment Tour over at the Everygirl!! Her apartment is just goooooorgeous and seeing our print on her wall makes me feel like I’m flying over the moon! Thank you so much, Alaina and the Everygirl folks!!

Featured in Martha Stewart Weddings

I didn’t realize, but our Live What You Love print was featured in Martha Stewart Weddings blog! What a great inspiration board to be included in! Thank you so much :)

*Thank you, Jodi from Brin and Nohl, for letting me know!

Featured in “At Home With”

Kelly just let me know that her Live What You Love print arrived just in time to make it in a photo shoot they did for a local Kansas City magazine “At Home With” — look at their awesome shelf that they built and the print! It looks so great! The entire house looks amazing, please take a look at their house tour when you have a chance :) Thank you so much, Kelly!!