Brooklyn Spotlight: The Printer

I am beyond excited to share this interview I did today. Please watch it when you have a few minuets to spare. It’s a part of a Brooklyn Series on Barclays Center Television website, I was so honored to be a part!! awwwww

6 thoughts on “Brooklyn Spotlight: The Printer

  1. インスタの方でリンクコピーできひんかったんでこちらで観せてもらいました。あのレタープレス欲しいです~~~~!!音がたまらない(笑)一人興奮してしまいました。とても素敵なビデオですね。シェアありがとうございました!

  2. So wonderful, Hijiri! That heart pedal on your printer would have made me want to have it too. And lovely to see your wee one make an appearance! Congratulations! :)

  3. shino >> まきさん、どうもわざわざありがとうございます!インスタでリンクがクリックできるようになればいいのに..といつも思います。そうなんです、このプレスかわいいでしょう?!音もいいですよねぇ。共感してもらえて嬉しいです!もしもニューヨークに来る機会があれば是非おこし下さいね〜!!!コメント本当にありがとうございます!!

  4. Hi Uncle Beefy!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment!! Yeah, it’s really cute even though it’s 120 year old! I was happy to see my baby and my dog, too :) If you ever come to NYC, please come visit!!

  5. Hijiri,

    It was so very nice to see and hear you in this video. I miss you :). Beautiful, beautiful work. Lovely video spotlight piece. So happy for you.


  6. What a wonderful little film, Hijiri! Your studio looks like a really nice place to spend time creating with that lovely press. Your sweet Mili and cute little Maia were so nice to stop by for the filming ;)

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