Meet my Kelsey Press

kelsey 5x8

I don’t think I’ve ever introduced my Kelsey Excelsior Tabletop Press… well, here she is! She has been restored and modified, she does a great job.

kelsey 5x8

I recently printed Heartfish Press logo on the back of the cards and so took some photos :)

kelsey 5x8kelsey 5x8Hope you enjoyed meeting this little press! :) Happy Friday & weekend!!

4 thoughts on “Meet my Kelsey Press

  1. congrats! i too have a newly restored press, i’m hoping to have it back in my hands by march 12. are you getting good results with your kelsey? i have a chandler and price pilot.

  2. Hi Kelly-

    ohh that’s exciting! Yes, it’s doing great! Chandler and Price pilot is a great press, I’m sure you’re going to love it!!

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