New Year’s Resolutions

What are your New Year’s resolutions? Do you usually write them down somewhere or just think of them in your head? I usually write them down on my schedule book (and never really get looked back all year), but when I came across this mini notepad that says “2011 resolutions” on Quotes & Notes etsy shop, I thought this may work better, I can hang this on my office wall and be reminded each day.

One of my biggest resolutions of the year is to launch Heartfish Press and there are lots of little resolutions along with the launch… I really should write down all of them.

The other ones include start practicing yoga again, get organized etc. — what are yours? If you’d like to share, please do in the comment area, I’d love to see and get inspired by your resolutions, too! :)

6 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. What a great book! Good luck with Heartfish Press.
    My resolutions are to become more creative and become a domestic goddess (!). Not much to ask, huh?!

  2. Happy new year! This year, I want to use my camera more.. and since I just received a sewing machine, that too! :)

  3. To live more intentionally. To nurture creativity. Your “Live What You Love” poster hangs in my studio and reminds me that this is exactly where I need to be… maybe just a little more this year, and with a more comfortable chair. LOL. Happy New Year! Rosa

  4. Charlie-

    thank you so much! ohhh a domestic goddess! That reminds me that I would make something for our home and finish our loft finally this year! :)


    Happy New Year, Donna! wooo both are awesome creative tools to use, can’t wait to see what you do with them! :)

    matthew harrison smith-

    aw thank you so much! I love how you did “<3fisn" that's great! Happy New Year :)


    ohhh that makes me so happy to know that the poster has been loved by such a wonderful people like you, thank you so much! Hope you get more comfortable chair soon... I need more comfortable chair, too, I suppose!


    congratulations on your new happiness project! It looks great! I will check out more for sure. Best wishes to you, too!!

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