Snow snow snow…


There is a lot of snow in NYC right now… these photos are from 2 days ago, but oh boy, was it cold… (yesterday was just too freezing to go outside so stayed in.)


9am picture above and 10:30am picture below. Mili was at her home school so I had to drop her off and pick her up in this snow. It wasn’t fun. haha


But I love the white city. It’s so pretty. Until it gets slushy and gross…


In my neighborhood around 3pm. It didn’t stop snowing until next day. Therefore, lots of snow everywhere… but it’s too cold to go outside and play! (12Fahrenheit / -11Celsius)

Happy Friday + Goodbye MA

We are coming home to Brooklyn today! Hancock vacation / working week was cool, we worked during the day and night, we took jacuzzi bath every day (I so wish we had this at home…), I swam one day, hanging out by the fireplace everyday…  but I think we are ready to go home. I miss the city…

I took few more pictures on my iPhone ShakeIt app, so I will leave these for you while we are driving back today :)

Maia loved the fireplace!

More winter beauties…

Maia had some adventures :)

Wishing you guys a happy Friday and great weekend! See you back on Monday. xo Hijiri

Working Remotely From Hancock, MA

Hi there! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday :) If you are outside of US, I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend…

We had a great thanksgiving with our family and we are now at this vacation house in Hancock, Massachusetts, working remotely this week. (Yes, we brought the whole office with us!)

Pictures are some winter beauties I captured while I was walking around the neighborhood… Aren’t they lovely?! Oh yes, it is winter wonderland around here. It even snowed a little bit on Saturday. brrrrr We are very cozy inside the house, though :)

Do you see the river in this picture? That’s all frozen!

I’ll be blogging all week from here, it’s a nice change of pace and surroundings for sure :) xo Hijiri

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