Benesse House Museum

I posted about the Benesse House, but today, I want to share my experience from the Benesse House Museum. Again, all designed by the amazing Tadao Ando. I couldn’t take any pictures inside, but there is this outside area where I could take some photos…

The artworks you see here are by Hiroshi Sugimoto Time Exposed , 1980-97

There were so many things to enjoy this area, my friend and I spent good amount of time and we could easily spent more…

His photographs are serving as a time capsule for a series of events in time… with the waterlines at different times…

The walls end and you see ocean in between the walls — but notice the ocean waterline and the artwork waterline? It aligns! So I guess you are seeing the “current” in here… so very awesome… Also, I couldn’t take a photo, but from here, you can see a tiny something on the little island… We’d been wondering and later we found out that it’s also his same series waterline work hang it on the island! So that aligns with all the work as well. Amazing.

Like this one. This is the other one we found — what a discovery! We were pretty excited.

Even stairs are designed great…

Another art you can enjoy in between the walls are these boats installation (yellow and black — do you see?). These are exactly the same from the painting in the museum, when you look at the painting and look outside, you see the same art. How awesome! right?

Really enjoyed visiting! I attended a little tour also, and that was very cool, too.