Studio TOTA invited me to the Affordable Art Fair preview party last night and it was another great show! (See last year’s show coverage here, here and here) I took some photos of the work that caught my eye for my inspiration and hopefully for your inspiration — enjoy!
The event poster designed by Studio TOTA. It’s happening through the weekend so if you are in NY area, please stop by.

Pretty colors, the detail of this piece was amazing.

These were actually working like a clock — “NEW YORK” and the circle with the arrow parts were spinning. Very cool graphics.

Layering graphics on top of graphics.

Simple. Cool.

I would love to try some 3D collage like this. This was a big piece on the wall.

Hi yellow dachshund!

Simple. Beautiful.

LOVE functional art. This bunny can sit next to my computer area!

nervous bunny…

This one was hard to capture, but with the mirror, you see infinite objects and with the lighting, it was making such a cool effect.

Love these art with glasses as a frame.

and the white one was all about Princess Diana and the black one was all about Marilyn Monroe.

There was a section for “I <3 Brooklyn” — this lettering caught my eye and of course the heart :)

Work with quotes or sayings always catch my eye.

Love these styles.

Made me want to make some art! :) What would you make?!
**I was mingling at the same time so didn’t take notes about each artist… I will credit the artist as I find out more…**