From Governor’s Island. Always stunning. 女神様。

Let it swim
From Governor’s Island. Always stunning. 女神様。
So I mentioned that I went to the Governors Island over the weekend, it was for the ’20s Lazz Age Lawn Party! It was so cute, everyone was dressed up as if it was in ’20s and danced to a live jazz music and had picnic in the lawn :) I had to share some photos… enjoy! ((By the way, it’s only 5 minute ferry ride from Brooklyn Pier 6! It was so so close, I was in shock!))
Going through the fort in Governors Island…
and there was another world…
The (always) lovely girl friends:
Very lively Jazz Band:
A cute couple :)
They were awesome!
and we ended the fun with a great view! (Click the image to see larger)
New York Post has some photos from this event, too, check them out!