Diane Portugal Interiors

Another collaboration work with my friend Tae. A website design for Diane Portugal Interiors. It was nice working with Diane and I was happy to get to work with Tae again!

Cream Website

It was a collaboration work with Cream. They offer cute scented T-shirts! It was fun animating the “scent” from the T-shirts. The designer and the owner, Mika has been fun to work with also.




Laura Martin Bovard Interiors

My friend, Tae is a graphic designer and she was looking for an HTML programmer to create this website for Laura Martin Bovard Interiors and I thought I could help so I did the programming and it just launched today. I am not a programmer, but I can do HTML by using Dreamweaver. It was actually cool to do this project, I got to relearn lots of things and I got into it. It was nice working with her, too! Looks great!

