Live What You Love by Kathleen

Kathleen of Trowel and Paintbrush has posted her lovely Live What You Love print on her blog today and I just had to share! LOVE the bold black frame with such cute flowers, made me smile, thank you so much, Kathleen, for sharing!

I remember talking to her in the emails and she told me that she is happy to be painting again and her new year’s resolution is to paint a little every day. I asked if I could see her paintings someday and there they are, lots of beautiful paintings on her blog!

It’s always really awesome to know that one of my prints has been loved so much by such a talented artist :) Thank you!!

2 thoughts on “Live What You Love by Kathleen

  1. Hi Hijiri,
    How nice to see the photo of my (well really your) print and my painting on your blog. :) Quite a thrill actually. Your beautiful print is a daily inspiration to me. And that ‘painting a little everyday’ has turned into quite a lot. I’m in my studio on most days. It really worked!
    Thanks & very best wishes, Kathleen

  2. Kathleen-

    That is soo great to hear!! Your paintings are beautiful, I am more than honored to know that my print has been a daily inspiration to you — thank you so much!!

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