DIY :: Mini Herb Bouquet & Lavender Stick

My mom and I attended this DIY herb class when I was in Japan back in June and I’ve been meaning to share it here because it was easy and the result was so cute!

Lavender Stick:

All you need is a few lavender stems, ribbon, and thread.

Take the flower part together first and use the thread to tie the lavender, make it tight, and bring the stems down (opposite way) to wrap the lavender. Take the ribbon and start weaving like this:

and wrap the ribbon around however you like and here they are! Looks cute and smells good!

Mini Bouquet:

If you have a little bit of dried flowers, you can do this really easily.

Arrange flowers as you like and tie it together by using green flower wires.

When you are done with making bouquet, take the wrapping sheet and wrap it around.

Use the wires to secure them together and then have ribbon around it.

and here, you have your bouquet!

I couldn’t bring back these bouquets, but I brought back my lavendar stick and it still smells good and looks cute!

Posted in DIY

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